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How to make a bouncy and glowing egg! What you need: Egg, glass, vinegar and a light source (e.g., torch). What to do: Carefully put an egg into a glass. Pour vinegar over it, it should cover an egg completely. Leave it for at least 24 hours. If an egg is fresh it will probably rise up, so try to rotate it gently using a spoon. After 24 hours, remove the egg from the solution. Rinse it with a water. Things to think about: How high can it bounce? At what distance will it break when it falls? (Try this outside!) What happens when you put it by a light source? Why do you think this happens? What is the shortest amount of time the egg needs to be submerged in vinegar for it to still bounce? Does the amount of vinegar make a difference? How could you record you findings and make it a fair test? ANATOMY OF AN EGG The main parts of an egg are  shell, membrane, albumen (egg white)  and  yolk .  Eggshell  is made primarily ou...

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